In 1798 Brother Theodore Bates was credited with inventing the so-called flat broom. Prior to this, brooms were rounded at the bottom and did not cover as large of an area. According to June Sprigg, a scholar and author of several books about the Shakers, the story goes that one day Brother Theodore noticed some sisters sweeping and "realized that they were wasting time and effort." He invented the broom to help the Sisters with their chores. Ms. Sprigg curiously notes that "He didn't offer to help sweep, but he did flatten the brooms to make them more efficient." I say that this is curious because the Shakers are always promoted as progressive in their views of equality of the sexes. However, while the women and men shared equally in the running of the communities with Elders and Eldresses, Deacons and Deaconesses, etc., there was still the notion of "women's work" and "men's work". While men spent most of their time in the fields and in the workshops, the women had those duties as well as most of the cooking and cleaning. Sorry, ladies! Soon after its invention, broom making was added to the extensive list of cottage industries that the Shakers entered to sell goods to outsiders. It didn't take long until almost all of the Shaker communities committed significant resources to the growing of broom corn and the production of brooms and brushes in all shapes and sizes. Again, this one simple product reflects much about the Shakers. Inventiveness and creativity, cleanliness (which is next to godliness), craftsmanship and business acumen. In future posts we will examine the Shakers view of patents on all of these amazing inventions. As always, it will tell us a lot about these interesting people who were seeking heaven on earth.
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Original Shaker chairs, custom seat taping, antique quilts and
other objects of importance
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